Dina Marais's Soulpurpose Prosperous Business

Episode 25 Avoid Your Dream Killers



Jim Rohn said to not tolerate self-doubt, as it will kill your dreams and clear out your bank account. He said to go after it and get rid of it!  Self-doubt creeps in like a thief in the night, when you least expect it. Sneaky as hell, it can suck the joy out of your inspiration in a moment.  What has been a revelation to me that inspired me to do the work I do, is that if this is you, that you are not alone. Not by a long shot. Most people around you are suffering these same ailments.  These practices are nothing to be ashamed of, just to get rid of.  Fortunately, when we move from ignorance to understanding, we immediately have the power to change.  Then it is up to us. Get your free Own Your Greatness & Abundance Kick-Start Meditation, Video & Guide on my website: http://dinamarais.com