Whiskey Wednesdays

Whiskey Wednesday #020 |Ryan Chavez Owner of MRKT



Born and raised in El Paso. Opened first business at 16 washing cars and selling headlights. Played a few years of college basketball in Abilene, Texas. Then completed bachelors in San Antonio. Next headed out to Salt Lake City for anesthesia school at Westminster college, and did residency in Dallas and Colorado. Shortly after that, finished my doctorate in anesthesia at Missouri state university. Moved back home, started my anesthesia company and shortly after opened up the mrkt at Montecillo. 1. Tell us about yourself, whats your story 2. Why do you think you’ve always been an Entrepreneur? even at a young age of 16 3. Where did you grow up in el paso and how did was your experience of all those other bigger cities that you lived in 4. which one was your favorite city that you lived in? 5. why did you come back to el paso? 6. what does el paso have that those other cities dont 7. what do those other cites have that el paso doesn’t 8. What do you like about your profession 9. why --- Support this pod