Yes To Entrepreneurship: Helping You Build A Better Business

YTE 029: Mindset and lifestyle transformations with Midori Verity



In this episode, we talk about the online funnel strategy, what’s missing from it, mindset, and how to break out of your comfort zone to meet new people. Also, discover what the MOX Life is and what your ideal customer really wants from you. Plus, learn what the most successful business people in the world do and what the 3 A’s are!  25-minutes: Tips on why shooting video is key!  28-minutes: Behavior loops 30-minutes: 3 A’s and websites 50-minutes: The MOX Life -------- What's the best career advice you have ever received? Make choices to get you to your big fat goal, not to save for a special lunch. Amy Yamada What is your proudest career accomplishment and why? Helping a client go from $4200/year to having her first $10k month. What has been the hardest career moment and how did you overcome it? breaking away from the company I shared with my husband. Using the same techniques and process I now teach my clients. Favorite quote:  “When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but oft