Movies N Sh*t

Episode 15: Don’t call it magic if you want me to like it



This week, Kelly doesn’t even tell Patrick he’s recording, and the results are magical… The guys talk Joker and all it’s magnificent darkness (4:09), Judy and faulty theater projectors (11:06), Demi Moore, books in general, and the value of one narrative medium vs. another (18:18).  They tackle entertainment news, upcoming shit, movie lots and free alcohol (26:58).  During this week’s trailer talk, they debut a new segment - Patrick’s Pitch - in which Patrick pitches his own idea for a movie or a reworked version of an already produced flick (43:46); then Kelly pours gasoline on Patrick’s fiery passion for magic rings and long walks (59:42).  All that and more as we fulfill our contractual obligation to mention Star Trek and Harrison Ford, explain frame rate to all our faithful listeners, provide a hidden gem for your viewing pleasure and discover that Patrick is incapable of pronouncing the word “spoiler” on his first attempt after drinking any amount of alcohol.   Lots of endings to this