Rosie Kohl's Vaudeville Broadcast

#15 - Breaking out of the Box: Pi the Mime



Rosie sits down with Pi the Mime and his translator, Alexander Luttley, to talk about many mimey topics: Multiple Mimes; Not a Biochemist; Learning Multiple Mime Styles; No Hablo Espanol; The Only Discipline With No Words; Mimetic Proposals; Making a Show Quickly; All the Mimes; Multiple Mime Disorder; Mime Gender and Moving Around; Who Are You Sleeping With?; Labels Labels Labels; Expectations and Individuality; Powerful Labels or Restrictive Labels; Tribal, Social Animals Called Humans; Too Much Focus on Labels; Being Bad at Expected Behaviours; The Circle; All Lesbians Carry Lighters; The Gender-Bending, Burlesque Dancing Mime and the Catholic Priest; Accidental Gender Comments; Assumptions; Playing with Ideas and Cabaret Roulette (again!!); Arguing with Pi; Improv With Yourself; The Triangle; Kinsey, Scales and Volume Control; The Best Identity Crisis Ever; Cabaret is the Best; What Happened to Fun?; Exploration and Failure; Finger in the Pie; Performance Course with Pi; Carpeted Stages and Mime Murder; A