Adrian Has Issues

Episode 72: Jade Street Has A Band



Katy Rex is a Minnesota-based freelance writer, perhaps best known for Jade Street Protection Services for Black Mask Studios and the original graphic novel Strange Wit, which tells the incredible life story of writer Jane Bowles. Katy is also the editor of the comic book, Kim & Kim. Fabian Lelay is a comic artist and illustrator based out of New York. He is the artist of Jade Street Protection Services as well as Sea of Clouds. Fabian is also an artist in residence of Carmine Street Comics in NYC. In this episode, I talk with Katy and Fabian regarding their experiences working on Jade Street and together we cover a series of topics including: The girls of Jade Street as a rock band! The perils of Wikipedia clickholes! The girls of Jade Street as Dungeon & Dragons classes!