Morningstar Uk: Podcasts

Innovation, Technology and AI: Investing experts explain latest Investment opportunities



Welcome to the podcast from Morningstar UK, the leading provider of investment news, views and analysis. This week we’re at the Morningstar Investment conference speaking with investment experts about the latest trends in the market and where they are seeing risks and opportunities to look out for? Our first guest today is Sebastian Lyon, Founder of Troy Asset Management who warns investors that quantitative easing and low interest rates have propped up stocks and bond prices and so investors should be nervous about markets.  With Sebastian urging caution, our next guest, Jupiter's James Clunie tells Emma Wall reasons to stay positive when stock markets look negative. stock markets look overvalued across the spectrum, but you can protect yourself against severe losses.  Next up, Mark Costar of J O Hambro Capital Management tells Emma Wall that misallocation of capital and failure to embrace technology impact companies more than economics How do you profit from innovation? Is it just about investing in tech