Audio Mullet

Audio Mullet #35: How To Forgive The Man Who Shot Your Daughter



Doug TenNapel and Ethan Nicolle welcome special guest McGill Alexander from South Africa, who was in an intense hostage situation many years ago while living in Taiwan. A notorious murderer and rapist held his family hostage for 26 hours, shooting McGill and his daughter - both survived. McGill and his wife later brought a Bible to the man who held them hostage and led him to Christ, forgiving him for what he put them through. This interview is all about that act - loving those who are your enemies, praying for those who persecute you. Why are we called to do it and what does it mean? The episode of Locked Up Abroad must be purchased to be viewed. Click here and make sure you are getting Season 1, Ep. 10: "Taiwan" Read McGill's book Hostage In Taipei Watch this episode on video here.