Morningstar Uk: Podcasts

What Does President Trump Mean for Your Money?



This week we’re going to take a look at the impact the US Election has had on the Global economy. Donald Trump has beaten Hillary Clinton to become the 45th US President. Stock markets globally have reacted by falling - Senior editor for Emma Wall and Chief Investment officer Dan Kemp discuss what should investors do. What can investors expect from stock markets as the results of the US election? And what have we learned from the Brexit vote shock to help protect our assets? Simon Molica from Morningstar investment Management is up next to discuss. How are professional investors reacting to the economic and political challenges of 2016, especially after Brexit and the US election have thrown up significant volatility. Fund Analyst Randal Goldsmith is up next to give us his insight on why it’s been a challenging environment for fund managers to make investment calls. What Will President Trump Mean for Bond Yields? Will the Fed raise US interest rates next month? And what will that mean