In A Weekend With Yong Pratt

Are you pod-crastinating?



[0:04] Podcasting. You've thought about, perhaps even for years. You view it as a medium you can actually do and help others in the process. The idea of being a podcaster excites you, yet something stops you from moving forward and making your podcast a reality. You, my friend, are pod-crastinating. In this episode, I'll share where I first learned this term, how to discover if you're experiencing it, and how to overcome pod-crastinating.[1:14] Before we dive into pod-crastinating, let’s chat about procrastinating. [1:34] Exhaustion and burnout as a result of procrastinating[2:58] Why do we do it? Why do we procrastinate, making things harder for ourselves? [3:07] Find out where Yong first learned the term Pod-crastinating  [4:45] Podcasting now is all about having a clear strategy, being super-efficient, and hyper-focused on maximizing the work, I am already doing.  [5:35] Yong’s fav software that helps her auto-magically create MORE content without more work. [6:45] Y