In A Weekend With Yong Pratt

067 - The Art of Parenting Intentionally with Julie Ford



Julie Ford of Julz of Life describes herself as a "blender of roles." Her biographical "smoothy" includes: business owner, certified life coach (with a focus on intentional parenting and chaos mitigation), author, mom of two tween/teen daughters, wife to an entrepreneurial hubby, kitchen dancer, shower and car singer, problem solver, flowerbed weeder, and occasional Bobcat/John Deere/Grasshopper operator. Julie uses song, dance, video, social media, and general shenanigans to connect with her kids. Her secret weapons are habits, routines that serve, and making contribution fun. She loves writing, creating in-the-moment parodies that entertain while getting the point across to her kids, and channeling her inner Latin dancer while in the grocery store. People follow her at networking events because she connects people in her vivacious wake. Her kids (artists themselves) describe her as "awesomely out there."