
Sorry, But No Dice-Reliance Upon a Tax Professional Co-Administrator - Ed Zollars



This podcast deals with the case of Estate of Landers, TC Memo 2006-230, where an estate's co-administrator attempted to seek a finding that there was reasonable cause for late filing based upon his reliance upon his (now deceased) co-administrator, who was a tax professional, and who suffered a broken hip two months before the extended due date of the estate tax return.The case offers a look at what does and doesn't constitute reasonable cause for late filing, as well as the issue of whether a nonprofessional can be excused for not being aware of the due date of a return if he claims he relied upon a professional to inform him of the due date.The materials are located at . This Podcast is sponsored by Leimberg Information Services, Inc. at Please visit our software, books, and PowerPoint Presentations site at