Eli Goldsmith Inspired Flow!

Rabbi Lazer Brody Update Emuna Tour 2018



Listen to the newest episode of my podcast, Breslev Israel Podcast : The Future of your Life! Emuna Tour - https://anchor.fm/breslevIsrael/ Our final announcements are here before the Emuna Tour takes off email eli.goldsmith@breslev.co.il for info and to partner! Enjoy The Rest of your Life! From Rabbi Lazer Brody:) Please come to our Emuna is our Future Tour all the links on our Emuna is our Future Event page! #Inspired to see you all there, PM me friends, so we can meet up #Emuna #EmunaTour! -14th Oct to 29th Oct in North America!!! :) https://www.facebook.com/pg/EmunaFuture/events/