Head Above Water

Season 1 preview



Head Above Water This devotional podcast is designed to glorify God and foster generational discipleship. The name Head Above Water Simultaneously alludes to my family’s story of surviving despite a massive flood and it describes many families situation, Most of all points to the savior who reached into the water and rescued Peter. Our family has flourished during parts of our lives. We have lived as though the wind was at our backs. We also know what it is like to live each day struggling to have the resources to move forward. We know what it is like to see the storm around us. Bills, Jobs, School, Homework, Laundry, diapers, toilets all needing to be addressed. We have taken our eyes off Jesus. We have lived day after day drowning in our circumstances. Many families journey is enough to make them feel like they are barely making it. Many families are familiar with the struggle just to make it through the day. Some families work multiple jobs to provide groceries and to keep bills from piling up. It is easy