Head Above Water



Head Above Water is a podcast designed to generational discipleship. This podcast focuses on helping those in our context. Prayerfully, it will help others around the world. Become a supporter of this podcast:https://anchor.fm/head-above-water/support


  • Not Season 2

    10/10/2019 Duración: 01min

    Summer happens. As much as we prepare for it summer happens every year. Look for us to reboot season 2 after the summer. --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/head-above-water/support

  • Deliverer

    07/05/2019 Duración: 08min

    I hanks for listening  --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/head-above-water/support

  • Easter Break

    18/04/2019 Duración: 29s

    Day 1 - Joshua 10:1-8  God knows your shortfalls, and though you think you have it all together, you don’t. None of us do. And one of our greatest failings is loving others. This is where our Gibeons are so helpful. We likely don’t need them for friendship or protection, but to keep us humble. To teach us how to love sacrificially and selflessly. Who is your Gibeon? What can you do this week to reflect the love of Christ to him or her? Day 2 - Joshua 10:9-15 Likewise, “but God” is the key to our victories, both internal and external. “But God” is what takes hold of our sour attitude and gives us love in its place. “But God” is what gives us the courage to stand on the gospel when the culture around us pushes back. “But God” is what enables us to cling to our faith even in the darkest nights of pain and suffering. “But God” is the power of God working the gospel in us and through us. (See Eph. 2:1-10.) What is your “but God” testimony? Who have you shared it with recently? Day 3 - Joshua 10:16-43 Yes, God ha

  • season 1 Episode 9 - Victory, Joshua 2-6

    09/04/2019 Duración: 05min

    Day 1 - Joshua 2:1-7 The intent of Joshua’s spies, on the other hand, was to act from faith—to find what God had given them and perhaps how He had given it to them. Similar actions; different motivations. One scouting trip was done honoring God, the other rebelling against Him. When have your actions seemed right from the outside, but you performed them with the wrong intentions or motivations? What happened? Day 2 - Joshua 2:8-24 In these verses, we are reminded of the power of a testimony. Word of what God had done had traveled to Jericho because someone, somewhere, had told others what he or she had witnessed. It may have been one person; it may have been several people, or even many people, but someone’s testimony ended up in Rahab’s ears and led to her faith in God. And that is what we are called to do today as followers of Christ—we are to declare what God has done in Christ to others, trusting in God for our testimony to bear fruit. What has God done, or is He doing right now, that you can tell someone

  • Season 1 Episode 8 - Courage, Joshua 1-4

    09/04/2019 Duración: 08min

    Day 1 - Joshua 1:1-9 God knew Joshua would need encouragement and God knew the people would need it as well. But God also knew the people needed something else more—much more. They needed Him. Good leaders are a gift from God. Great leaders are a blessing. But no leader, no matter how good he or she might be, is a substitute for God Himself. Moses was not who the Israelites needed. Joshua was not either. Nor would it be any of the judges, Samuel, Saul, David, Solomon, any other king, or any prophet. The leader the people needed was Christ Jesus—the One who God provided to lead us out of bondage of sin and into the rest of salvation in Him. Have you ever lost a significant leader? What was the effect of that loss on you and others? Day 2 - Joshua 1:10-18 We know from the Book of Hebrews, that rest in the promised land was a shadow of the greater rest we find in our salvation in Christ. In Christ, we are able, for the first time ever, to cast aside our labor—our innumerable attempts to be right with God—and res

  • Season 1 Episode 7 - God's Presence, Deuteronomy 31-34

    29/03/2019 Duración: 05min

    We will publish the reading plan again next week --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/head-above-water/support

  • Season 1 Episode 6 Curses, Numbers Chapter 24, & 25

    20/03/2019 Duración: 10min

    Day 1 - Numbers 22:1-41  Even when the Israelites could not see it, God was working for their good. God is always working all things for the good of those who love Him (Rom. 8:28).  How has God’s faithfulness helped you remain faithful to Him even in the midst of difficult circumstances? Day 2 - Numbers 23:1-30 Even though we may face persecution and difficult times, there is nothing that can stop God from fulfilling all that He has planned and promised. God has placed stories of His work for His people in the Bible so that we can see how He works for the good of His people, and in doing so, realize He works for us in the same way.  How can seeing the unstoppable faithfulness of God change the way you approach difficult situations today? Day 3 - Numbers 24:1-14  The message of the gospel is a message for all the world. God has saved us to display the immeasurable riches of God’s grace for the rest of eternity, and He calls us to start now by inviting those who don’t know Jesus, to trust in

  • Season 1 Episode 5 Snakes, Numbers Chapter 21

    13/03/2019 Duración: 08min

    Day 1 - Numbers 20:1-29  We are to obey perfectly. And even one act of unfaithfulness earns condemnation. But thankfully, we have been provided a way to be forgiven of our transgressions in Jesus, the One who perfectly obeyed and who takes our sin and credits us with His righteousness when we believe.  How have you obeyed God partially at times believing that was good enough? Day 2 - Numbers 21:1-7a We too are quick to forget God’s faithfulness and we too need God’s gift of discipline at times to remind us that if God was willing to provide Jesus to die on the cross to address our greatest need, we can surely trust Him to provide for our daily needs as well (Luke 12:24). What are some things that God has done for you in the past that you can remember today to help you remain faithful in the face of need or temptation? Day 3 - Numbers 21:7b-8  Many who have trusted in Jesus find it difficult to continue to trust in the completed work of Jesus. That is why we are grateful that Jesus is an ever-pr

  • Season 1 Episode 4 • Spies • Numbers Chapters 13&14

    04/03/2019 Duración: 05min

    Week of March 3, 2019 Numbers 12:1-16 This account offers a picture of how we are to respond to God when He reveals Himself to us. God’s self-revelation shows us two things: who He is and who we are. When we see God for who He is and what He has done, we can properly see ourselves for who we are.  In what ways does seeing the truth of God’s character humble you? Numbers 13:1-33 The Israelites had left slavery in Egypt and endured a trek through the wilderness to make it to the promised land, which their sin prevented them from entering. Likewise, through Jesus, we are freed from the slavery to sin, yet we continue to live in the wilderness—a fallen and broken world. However, in light of eternity, our journey to our promised land is short, and we are called to trust God in faithfulness as we journey on, placing our hope in His promise to bring us home to the place of our rest. How might the hope of what God has in store for you in heaven change the way you approach each day now? Numbers 14:1-25 God invites u

  • Season 1 Episode 3 • Leviticus • The Day of Atonement

    25/02/2019 Duración: 06min

    Februrary 24, 2019 - Leviticus - The Day of Atonement Reading Plan Leviticus 1:1-17 In this offering, we see images of Christ’s full dedication to the Father expressed through His life obedience and His willing sacrifice on the cross. Christ gave Himself fully for us to make atonement for our sin. Our only reasonable response is total surrender to Him. The voluntary nature of this offering captures both Christ’s willingness to endure shame on our behalf and our proper motivation in living for Him. Our obedience is not to be offered by compulsion, but instead to be motivated by love and gratitude. What area of your life are you holding back instead of fully surrendering to God? What is preventing you from giving this to God joyfully? Leviticus 2:1-16 We can look at this offering, like the burnt offering, and see how it points to Christ. He is the One who demonstrated unmatched humility and generosity in taking on the flesh, coming to earth, and offering Himself so we might have forgiveness and eternal life. B

  • Episode 2 • Exodus Ch 36-40 • The Tabernacle

    20/02/2019 Duración: 07min

    Exodus Ch 36-40 The Tabernacle - A place for God’s Presence Weekly Reading Plan Exodus 36:1-38 All we do is to be done for God’s glory as acts of worship. All of life can be worship of God.  In what “ordinary” ways has God gifted you? How have you, or can you, use these in service to Him? Exodus 37:1–38:31 In this passage two things are revealed. First, that worship of God is serious business. God takes worship seriously, and we should too. Second, Gad cares about the details of your life.  What “small” detail of your life do you need to trust that God knows and cares about? Exodus 39:1-43 We are called on to give God our best—of our time, energy, and resources—and to do so with joy.  This is our act of worship.  In which areas of life might you be holding something back from God?   Exodus 40:1-33 The Israelites had been rescued from slavery in Egypt through the Passover in the middle of the first month of the year (Ex. 12:1-3). One year later, they were about to celebrate the firs

  • Episode 1 • Idols • Genesis 32

    13/02/2019 Duración: 07min

    Idols • Genesis 32 --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/head-above-water/support

  • Season 1 preview

    13/02/2019 Duración: 01min

    Head Above Water This devotional podcast is designed to glorify God and foster generational discipleship. The name Head Above Water Simultaneously alludes to my family’s story of surviving despite a massive flood and it describes many families situation, Most of all points to the savior who reached into the water and rescued Peter. Our family has flourished during parts of our lives. We have lived as though the wind was at our backs. We also know what it is like to live each day struggling to have the resources to move forward. We know what it is like to see the storm around us. Bills, Jobs, School, Homework, Laundry, diapers, toilets all needing to be addressed. We have taken our eyes off Jesus. We have lived day after day drowning in our circumstances. Many families journey is enough to make them feel like they are barely making it. Many families are familiar with the struggle just to make it through the day. Some families work multiple jobs to provide groceries and to keep bills from piling up. It is easy