Yes To Entrepreneurship: Helping You Build A Better Business

YTE 045" Branding with Bianca Broos



What is branding? How is branding different from marketing? Is branding different from marketing? Why crafting a brand identity for your business is so important and how to own your own business while also being a mom. -------- What's the best career advice you have ever received? This is not about fame. It's about impact. "Fake it til you make it.' It’s a thing we say. It’s meant to be encouraging: “you got this, it’s doesn't have to be perfect, act as if and the rest will follow...” Great. But, in my experience, humans have what it takes. We don’t need to fake it. Confidence comes from knowing who you are and knowing when you don’t know what you need to know, but feeling good about asking for help, being curious about new possibilities.  Running this company, I’m continually confronted with ideas, needs wants of clients and their brand. Our job is to make it, with humility and grace, confidently making the next good decision. You don’t have to fake it. You’ve got what it takes. And when something new c