And Still The Waters Rise.

7. Justice League: Healing the healers w/ Naiʻa



This is a solo show by me (your host Naiʻa). The inspiration for this episode came from a few areas of my life––my recent move to further my role as a healer, the amplified craziness of the world in late 2017, and a FB post about the poison that can be injected into the lives of those who choose to take a public stand against the status quo and to help amplify the voices of the marginalized. I was inspired to speak to the need to amplify more than the struggle but for healing more broadly. As well, for those who are often called “protestors” or “activists” there can be a great deal of trauma directly from "doing the good work" and this is what inspired this talk around the importance of moving away from helming as a practice and towards seeing this as a natural and essential part of human existence (which can be much more challenging for some cultures than others). As well, we are so good at discussing trauma and the trauma of victims that we have forgotten to have a solid succession an for the next generati