Five Under Five - Online Marketing Tips

Are sitemaps useful? Should you use them? What’s the benefits of a sitemap?



 A sitemap is a file that lists all of the urls you want search engines to crawl on your website. Below are my five tips... 1. Most platforms create sitemaps for you such as Shopify and WordPress plugins like yoast. 2. Submit only pages you want to index. Do not submit broken, blocked or redirected pages. 3. You should have sitemaps for video, news, video etc. This make it easier for you to identify issues.  4. Place sitemaps in your robot.txt file. Update your sitemap as often as you update your content add the sitemaps to search console. Google will make you aware of any issues it has with your sitemaps 5. Submitting urls through a sitemap does not guarantee that the pages will be indexed or rank for keywords within search engines.  Questions? Visit