Out Da Box Talks

Episode 22 (POW BUNDY Interview)



In this Episode 22 of Out Da Box Talks, Host Cril chats with Ohio Hip Hop duo "POW BUNDY", comprised of 2 Emcees (Cas Metah and Blast Mega).  The interview mainly focuses on themes and topics addressed in their New Self Titled LP released in late March of this year.  The duo starts off the interview by giving a brief history on how they initially met and came together for the "Pow Bundy" album.  They also talk about the significance of the "Married With Children/ Al Bundy"  theme which is showcased on the cover art and how the Bundy name correlates with the Blue Collar/ Working Class message of the album.  The duo also break down the meanings behind certain songs and lines on the album as the interview continues.  Cas Metah and Blast Mega talk about the track "Panic" and reflect on the "Panic" that's taking place in today's current Pandemic climate, while also looking at its pros and cons.  Blast Mega talks about the inspiration for his raps on his solo feature "Trauma" (Which involves a tragic story in the s