Mad Decent Worldwide Radio

mad decent worldwide radio #36 - dutch antilles hood mix from space



if u go to the caribean u probably in like jamaica or bahamas or PR or somewhere thas relatively normal.. but sometimes u might end up steppn of a boat and hearin people speaking some weird german and trying to braid your hair..... thas when u realized ur in st maarten, curacao, suriname or one of the other netherland antilles.. those are wierd places for sure. recently i was clubbin with atrak in amsterdam and hangin out with some of the kids in holland.. its a wierd mix in the clubs.. all the girls ook like they are chinese african indonesian dutch martian and are hot and everyone knows the lyrics to house tracks and lil wayne.. its a special place. but they island kids there wer makin wierd music for a coupla years.. i had to inspect this stuff.. seems back in the day in curacao or N.A. this DJ mortje.. was playin reggae inst at 45 and gettin parties turned out .. then later on the sound moved back to holland and kids renamed it bubblin'... now they puttin anythign that represnts in amsterdam under these