Mad Decent Worldwide Radio

mad decent worldwide radio #16 - made in Israel



I got invited to play in tel aviv about 2 years ago and i didnt think much of it at the time... but it ended up being one of the top 3 shows I had ever 700 kids showed up and i did about 3 hours of everything from dubstep and roots and culture to techno and some tongue and cheek trance drops and the people were with me the whole time. the opening djs - polar pair had just released a 12 on tru thoughts and were mixing inst and acapellas from ying yang twins to massive attack like i was in downtown brooklyn 2 years later... it was advanced and mad.. All i knew from Israeli music was like .... infected mushroom and tiesto... who both hold it down. but psytrance wasnt really my thing.besides that , tel aviv is a beach city where you can find smoking hookas on the beach and ethiopian kids with sunbleached hair jumpin off rocks all day.  its far from the day to day violence that is published and for the most part its a secular city with Arab neighborhoods mixed in and around.. but what i didnt expect o