The Thinkergirls Pod Channel

EP 127: Stacey re-introduces herself + Kristie's refining her dating list



On EP 127 of The Thinkergirls Pod Channel, Stacey June and Kristie Mercer creators of some of the most successful female podcasts and content in Australia have their weekly chinwag to discuss how Stacey has had to re-introduce herself to some of the people she is closest too after the incredibly transformative year she's had and Kristie is constantly learning about the partner she's looking for as she meets more and more people who don't make the cut.2:50 – This year has been incredibly transformative for Stacey.4:12 – Stacey sits in a grey place… what does that mean?6:51 – You can be honest about the grey and still be ok with who and where you are in life.8:40 – Embracing her wounds is beautiful to Stacey.11:00 – Change is unsettling for other people because they don’t want to re-evaluate their relationship with you.15:21 – The last year being single for Kristie has been like a cramming sesh. 12 months = 9 years.17:18 – A guy Kristie was dating, now has a girlfriend and not that long after their date!20:37 –