The Thinkergirls Pod Channel

EP 47: Greens MP Janet Rice on the Tampon Tax. WTF?



On EP 47: of The Thinkergirls Pod Channel, Stacey June and Kristie Mercer creators of some of the most successful female podcasts and content in Australia have their weekly catch up and chat about ex f*ck bodies liking pics on Insta of your current BF and passionate people being happier people. Janet Rice tell us…why should we give a shit about the budget? (5:22) How long have people been taxed for tampons? (6:50) But why do tampons fall under that ‘luxury tax?’ (7:50) Labour is saying they’ll support the tax being abolished, but why haven’t they done it in the past when they could have (9:06) What’s the deeper message that the tampon tax is sending to our society? (10:07) Practically, is it about events like the budget where the money made from the tampon tax can be made up elsewhere? (12:15) If you’re hearing this an you’re outraged, what can you actually DO to make a difference and have your voice heard? (15:40) Why is there a disconnect with young people being outra