The Thinkergirls Pod Channel

EP 46: Your Ex-F*ck Buddies Liking your Pics + Are Passionate People Happier?



On EP 46: of The Thinkergirls Pod Channel, Stacey June and Kristie Mercer creators of some of the most successful female podcasts and content in Australia have their weekly catch up and chat about ex f*ck bodies liking pics on Insta of your current BF and passionate people being happier people. Stace shares that she feels a warmth 'spread through her body' when guy's she's slept with like pics of her fiancé. LOL (3:41) Stace being newly single sleeping with a dude that she knew would never be her BF, but still played a big part in her story (3:57) It's not just the one guy though, there's MULTIPLE past f*ck buddies of Stace's that like her posts of her and Ben (7:50) Still expecting to be treated with respect when it's clearly casual / just sex (9:20) Being honest even in casual relationships (14:41) Kristie shares how this year has forced her to ask herself what she's passionate about (16:44) Kristie has been inspired by her new must friends and how pass