The Thinkergirls Pod Channel

EP 41: The 411: Price Harry on Wed-Shred + Awks Bachie in Paradise Finale



On EP 41: of The Thinkergirls Pod Channel, Stacey June and Kristie Mercer creators of some of the most successful female podcasts and content in Australia chat pop culture and news, Thinkergirl style. Stace wants to talk about whether Megan Markle has put Prince Harry on a wed-shred and Kristie wants to discuss the Bachelor in Paradise Finale + why relationships that don't end in a proposal are seen as a failure. Um wtf is up with BBQ sauce? (4:10) are men there more groomzilla's these days? (5:40) what is a 'wed shred?' (6:10) Is Stace doing anything to prepare for her wedding day? (8:50) why do you think men are more open to being involved in weddings / their appearance (10:22 ) How differently society views breakups versus divorces (15:12) Because Grant didn't propose to Ally on Bach in Paradise - the relationship was less (19:16) thoughts on the new Bachelorette Ally (21:15) Kristie for the next Bachelorette? LOL. For realz though