The Thinkergirls Pod Channel

EP 40: TG Posse Member Sarah asks Jelena Dokic how to build her self confidence



On EP 40: of The Thinkergirls Pod Channel, Stacey June and Kristie Mercer creators of some of the most successful female podcasts and content in Australia open up the lines and get former world number 4 tennis champ Jelena Dokic to help #TGPosse member Sarah figure out how to build up her self confidence Jelena shares her own struggles with self worth and self confidence (2:48) Talking to a psychologist really helps to get things out (3:09) Stace shares how 'just telling yourself you're worth' isn't possible for some people (4:20) The mental health care plan and how to go about getting one for financial support when you see a therapist (8:45) How journalling has changed Kristie's life (12:45) how your self confidence can come and go so don't be too afraid if it changes from day to day (16:15) If you want more info on how to apply for a mental health plan to assist financially with therapy sessions, read HERE for The Thinkergirl's Guide to starting therapy If you missed yeste