The Thinkergirls Pod Channel

EP 38: Our serious phone addiction + when someone doesn't like you back



On EP 38: of The Thinkergirls Pod Channel, Stacey June and Kristie Mercer creators of some of the most successful female podcasts and content in Australia have a weekly chinwag about serious our addiction to our phones is and how confronting it is when you like someone and they don't feel the same way back.Is Kristie nailing Bumble? (3:01) Shares a recent date she went on and how important it is to be impressed by someone (6:24)How cofronting to like someone and they don't like you back (12:13) Ever wondered how much time you spend on your phone over your lifetime? It's SCARY (22:01)Stace has realised she's been more critical of people on social media as a distraction from feeling shit about herself (26:55) Stace's family history of addiction and realising how it's playing out in her life (29:10) Things you can do to help your own phone addiction and regain power over it (31:45)The article Stace was referring to about phone addiction read it HERE More from The Thinkergirls:E