The Thinkergirls Pod Channel

EP 33: The 411 - What Julia Gillard has to do with Beyonce + Khloe Kardashian cheating mess



On EP 33: of The Thinkergirls Pod Channel, Stacey June and Kristie Mercer creators of some of the most successful female podcasts and content in Australia chat pop culture and news, Thinkergirl style. Kristie dissects the Khloe Kardashian / Tristan Thompson cheating story & Stace shares what Beyonce has to do with Julia Gillard. Kristie (tries) to break down the facts about the Khloe Kardashian & Tristan Thompson cheating scandal (3:14) Um. What is Kris Jenner’s maiden name? (4:33) The footage of Tristan cheating on Khloe & when it was shot and released (4:48) Tristan leaving his last pregnant partner to start acting Khloe & her reaction to the scandal (8:40) Kim Kardashian posting to distract from the scandal? (11:20) Beyonce practicing what she preaches when it comes to feminism (14:22) What does Julia Gillard have to do with Beyonce? (17:07) Tall Poppy syndrome and how rife it is in Australia (19:44) Why Beyonce’s Coachella performance meant more to chicks (24:30) Article Daily Te