The Thinkergirls Pod Channel

EP 10: TG Posse Member Debbie is jealous of a friend and feeling guilty about it...



On EP 10: of The Thinkergirls Pod Channel, Stacey June and Kristie Mercer creators of some of the most successful female podcasts and content in Australia chat to another amazing chick - life coach & bestselling authour Melissa Ambrosini and het her advice for #TGPosse member Debbie. Debbie is in a pickle, her bestie is in a new relationship & she's feeling left behind. Jealousy is a yucky feeling and Melissa shares how to combat it (2:47) and how to practice crystal clear communication (3:10) Things can be really good and really hard all at once (7:07) Stace and Kristie chat about the question they get asked all the did Kristie feel going through a breakup as Stacey was falling in love? (8:29) What do you do when there's not couples in front of you that inspire you (10:18) and how jealousy cab be a gift because it makes you realise what you want (13:56) EP 04: of the 411 ft the dodgey Valentine's Day card. Listen HERE The Thinkergirls E-Harmony video series about how to