Business Unusual With Barbara Corcoran

55: Growing a Brand with The Ladies Behind Comments By Celebs



What does it take to get 1 million followers in just over a year? I sat down with the girls behind the popular Instagram account @CommentsByCelebs to find out. I thought they could teach me a thing or two about social media, but it turned out to be so much more. We talk seizing opportunity, building a brand, and the power of collaboration. I even read their tarot cards, and you'll never believe what's in store for them. Got a question for me? Call me at 888-BARBARA or tweet me @barbaracorcoran and I just might answer on a future episode. Follow Business Unusual with Barbara Corcoran on iHeartRadio, or subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts. Have you entered to win an hour with me? Post a photo to Instagram using #BusinessUnusual to show me where you listen to my podcast. I want to know! Account must be public so we can see. This contest is not sponsored. This episode of Business Unusual with Barbara Corcoran is presented by OnDeck Business Loans (