Business Unusual With Barbara Corcoran

54: The 5 Lessons I Learned From A Housewife



Think you could raise 10 kids in a 2 bedrooom house? That's exactly what my mom did, and I'll tell you how the lessons I learned from her made all the difference in building my business. Plus, I answer your questions about providing value to others and when to take a loan for your business.  Got a question for me? Call me at 888-BARBARA to ask a question for a future episode. Follow Business Unusual with Barbara Corcoran on iHeartRadio, or subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts. This episode of Business Unusual with Barbara Corcoran is presented by OnDeck Business Loans (   Where do you listen to Business Unusual? Show me and you might have a chance to spend an hour with me! Listen to the episode to find out how to win. This contest is not sponsored.