
Third Coast's 2017 Audio Recap



Before the end of a busy and exciting year for radio and podcasts, the Third Coast staff got together to recap and reflect on 2017.Johanna, Maya, Gwen, Dennis and Isabel discussed the shows and moments in the audio world from 2017 that they won't soon forget... and talked about what they look forward to hearing more of in 2018 and beyond.What we won’t forget from 2017:Johanna: How much everyone wanted to talk (debate, and reconsider, and take some more) about S-Town.Isabel: The rise of mini-series, often delving into the mind of one man (yep, mostly men), including: Missing Richard Simmons, Start Up’s series on Dov Charney, The Pope’s Long Con, Mogul: The Life & Death of Chris Lighty, Embedded’s “Trump Stories”Dennis: Podcast producers making limited series that can end, like Showcase & Heaven’s Gate.Maya: How inspiring it was — especially for public media newsrooms — when 74 Seconds won the Third Coast/RHDF Best Documentary: Gold.Gwen: This latest season of Heavyweight & the divisive set-up of Wh