More With Moreira: The Business Podcast

Why Social Media is a Force for Good in Your Business



‘You should look at social media as a power and a force for good in your business and explore what opportunities there are to embed social media as part of your marketing strategy’ Lots of people communicate on social media platforms for business and are using it in different ways with varying amounts of success. Social media is a powerful communication tool for any business and you should be embracing social media and doing something with it to drive your business forward. Desmond shares the many ways you successfully weave communication through social media into the various strands of your business to increase engagement, provide value and position yourself successfully within your niche.   KEY TAKEAWAYS Social media is a medium and marketing content across platforms should be consistent with all other marketing for the company. The platforms enable you to be creative with the content you create and market more regularly, potentially for free. You can connect with people and it is possible to build a