State Of The Empire: A Lucasfilm Podcast

Episode 57 :: Indiana Jones and the Semi-Canonical Fart Wedding



Pop culture is a dirty job, but someone's got to do it. From the film scripts that never see the light of day, to the regrettable transmedia tie-ins that'd be better off staying buried; it'd take some kind of whip-cracking archeologist to uncover these forgotten relics... or perhaps some wise-cracking podcasters. In this episode we raid the Lucasfilm tombs and discover that Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is fantastic - compared to the ghost-hunting, rhino-riding, suicidal student-screwing antics of Indiana Jones in an unmade Chris Columbus script. We also gain some insight into the upcoming animated series Star Wars Resistance and speculate how the show might overwrite existing Star Wars canon for the better. Exhibit A: The "fart wedding" - a notorious event, recently written out of continuity, in which Poe Dameron let loose "the most atmosphere-ripping flatulence the galaxy ever heard."We also discuss the Episode IX casting news with Keri Russell and Billy Dee Williams, shed light on the state of Star Wars cin