State Of The Empire: A Lucasfilm Podcast

Episode 44 :: Desperately Seeking Solo



The young Han Solo film allegedly comes out May 25th, but we haven't seen so much as a ship! Well... not officially anyway. Unofficially, the first of the leaks are here: LEGO playsets! We explore the new characters and potential plot points spinning out of Solo's storied past, one minifig at a time. There's a new look for the Falcon, a surprising, legendary Star Wars planet in the mix, races from Clone Wars, and myriad more intriguing nuances. Join Cap, Matt, and Doug as we discuss peculiar patents headed to a theme park near you, Star Wars comic successes and fails, the best Vader books, and try and figure out just what Deadpool has to do with Solo: A Star Wars Story. You may also have noticed that State of the Empire is no longer coming out under the Nerdy Show banner. The series has moved to our long-time partner, Consequence of Sound. It's the same great show in an ever-so-slightly different package. Tune in to hear Cap provide some extra info. For links and more info, head to the main episode page: http