State Of The Empire: A Lucasfilm Podcast

Episode 31 :: The FVIII of the Force



Star Wars Celebration is in less than a week, Episode VIII: The Last Jedi is eight months away, the Han Solo anthology film is in nearly a year... and all that's just the visible half of this veritable Star Wars sarlaac pit. Lucasfilm has a plan for us all; and that's to be blissfully digesting space stories for over a thousand years. Or... not? We've got some hot new intel about what's to come - intel that could very well be confirmed in this coming week - and not only does that involve some exciting, long-rumored film projects but also a shockingly tactful return to Star Wars scarcity before the next trilogy. There's lots of provocative details to discuss. Plus: the latest casting surprises and details behind VIII and Han Solo, fascinating things happening in comics and novels, and Willow Watch wherein we learn of a new Willow ally and put out a call to celebrate the film's 30th in a big way. For links and more info, head to the main episode page: