You're Welcome with Hilary Rushford

Ep 30: How to Save Money for the Holidays + to Grow Your Business



Want to make a dream happen in 2020? Every January I hear people don’t have the money to make the choices they want in their life. This year, let’s prep ourselves to not overspend this holiday season, but actually save, to say yes to what we want most in the new year. Here’s our list of ideas, and we’d love to hear yours if you’ll chime in on this post @HilaryRushford! Ways to Save Money CLOTHING + STYLE Repurpose clothes Confidence to rewear Borrow/swap Identify the true holes for buying Shopping freeze  HOLIDAYS Use gift certificates Set a dollar amount on holiday gifts or draw names Don’t purchase any new holiday decor Avoid Black Friday Invite friends over instead of going out Simplify your holiday party Credit card points that can be redeemed Go in on a gift with another friend Electronic holiday card instead of printed ones Shop your home RECURRING CHARGES Reconcile your budget for recurring charges you aren’t using Swap gym membership for free YouTube videos Cancel landline, cable TV, only use ce