My Creative Life By Nancy Miller

4.11 John Jensen, Ceramic Artist



I had the opportunity to visit the studio of John and Linda Jensen. They are two generous art professors and fine artists. I have to say the put the "FINE" in fine arts. Truly fine people. Both are highly prolific creators in their own discipline. John Jensen is a ceramic artist. During my art education classes at Armstrong Atlantic State University, I was required to take ceramics. Armstrong is now known as Georgia Southern University (GSU). I am so glad I did. He not only taught me a great deal about ceramics but as a teacher creating a great classroom culture. When you walk into his class you see a diversity in the age and abilities of the students and he encourages and teaches in a way that connects with each person. That's really hard to do as a teacher. His classroom had a zen-like quality to it, and it made you want to spend as much time as possible in the studio learning. Mr. Jensen ceramic pieces vary from thrown pieces that are delicately carved to full-size sculptures memorializing his friends and