My Creative Life By Nancy Miller

4.10 Bunyan Morris, Artist



I decided I need to speak with the art teacher that inspired two of my previous guests to pursue the arts for a career. I interviewed Bunyan Morris retired art teacher and artist based out of Statesboro. Here is a bit about Bunyan. Bunyan Morris Bunyan Morris has over thirty years of experience as a visual artist and public school art educator. The majority of his teaching career was spent as a high school visual art teacher. In this position, he taught studio classes in painting, drawing, multi-media, ceramics, and Advanced Placement studio art. Throughout his career, he has created and studied art. “Recently, I have been experimenting with color to create nature-inspired non-objective paintings and wearable art. The images are automatic and come from my psyche. I work with the compositions so that the paintings can be viewed equally from all four directions. The wearable art objects evolved from the paintings.” To see more of his work visit: Instagram at: https://www.ins