Lasers On The Ride

S02E31 - JULIAN MCKENZIE Coming Up with the Weather



S02e31 is here and the Lasers welcome journalist/writer/tv newsman Julian McKenzie to talk a lil bit of everything with Mike and Markings. The discussion opens up with talk of Julian’s investigation into Artbeat and they talk Kaytranada and his 99.9% album and Quebec media’s response to his success. They talk Kanye a lil, what’s going on there and his process in production, and then rundown Julian’s professional life at the moment, including weathermanning on tv. They talk finding samples and Markings puts forth a way to test hip hopness that Mike and Julian dispute before they hit Top of the Hour and answer some questions. They talk a bit about the GOAT conversation and discuss the difference between mixtape and album and whether there is one before discussing some of the artists they’re currently bumping and shouting out Dirtwork for his placement on Carter V. They discuss what it means to be black and talk some of the signifiers and then pick dream guests for the podcast before Julian talks about his bigge