Money Checkup With Anjali Jariwala

Physician Leadership with Brent Lacey, M.D.



Dr. Brent Lacey coaches physicians in all phases of their careers — whether it's to find the right institution for their goals, to assume leadership roles and advocate for change within those institutions, to launch their own practices, or to master their personal finances.  Though physicians typically work in silos, Brent says, COVID-19 has demonstrated how important it is for physicians to understand the inner workings of their hospitals or practices and to advocate for the changes they wish to see — and if the culture is too entrenched for those changes to occur, he encourages physicians to move on.  “The most effective way to bring about change is to participate in it," Brent says. It takes courage to ask questions of leaders and to have difficult questions with them, but those are hallmarks of leadership too.