Blind Entrepreneurship With Johnathan Grzybowski

26: James Yoakum | Founder and Chief Distiller of Cooper River Distillery



You Have To Have a Core Network James has a family that is supportive of his ideas. If he didn’t have that, none of this would be impossible. "Whether its family or friends, you need to have that support network. Having someone push you to do better is always good..." Plan Properly "Plans never go exactly how you expect. If you don’t have a baseline plan to start with, success is much harder. You need a plan to communicate and say: Here is what I’m doing and how I’m doing it. Get used to writing it down and your plan not just being in your own head. Be Stubborn "Throughout this process you have so many people giving you ideas of what they think you should be doing. People throw out their ideas, some are good and some are bad, but knowing what you want to do and knowing your vision is important. Be stubborn enough to stick to the plan. Have that ability to know this is your baby and you’re the one driving it. Stick to the path. #Timestamps 00:30: Introduction 01:45: How Did James Start Coop