Blind Entrepreneurship With Johnathan Grzybowski

Ken McLauchlin | 26, Founder of Head Start Media



Know What You Want "One thing that is very common, it’s not that people start a business and fail, but when that person becomes successful, the success may not be what they wanted. For example: Do you like to travel? Do you want a large office? Do you want a lot of money?..." Figure out what you want in business and go from there. You Have To Move All In "Everyone has that cross road, should I finish University or go all in on the business?" Ken decided to go all in on the business and hasn't looked back. "There are very few times in life where you have the opportunity to take a big risk and pull it off. The younger you are, the better. The older you are, the more bills and other stuff you'll have the responsibility to pay. When you’re young, you can make mistakes...." So go all in when and if you can! #Timestamp 00:30: Introduction 02:00: Passion 02:45: Struggles in Business 06:30: Failure 07:45: Habits 11:00: Resources 13:00: Life of an Entrepreneur 14:40: What does your proces