Blind Entrepreneurship With Johnathan Grzybowski

Joshua Davidson | CEO of ChopDawg



If you can't tell how much passion this young man has, just wait until you listen to the interview itself. Josh has been creating businesses since he was in high school. Listen and feel the electricity from Josh. You can learn more about his three pieces of advice he'd give to millennials at the 21 minute mark of this interview: It Took 8 Years To Be An Overnight Success Jack Dorsey said it best. There are a ton of entrepreneurs that look like an overnight success, but more than likely, they have been grinding for years on end. It's just you either haven't paid attention to them, or they are finally getting their big break. Josh is one of those that have worked their butt off for years and are finally getting the attention that they deserve. Even at the ripe age of 22, he's accomplished a lot. Josh mentions that when you're starting a business, it's ok to want to be rich, be your own boss or other ways to fill up the ego. Every entrepreneur has a goal similar to that, even if they don't openly admit it. Money