
#83. Covid19 & Vaccines with Dr. Kevin Folta



Dr. Kevin M. Folta is a professor of the horticultural sciences department at the University of Florida. He has studied biology and agricultural biotechnology for over thirty years. He hosts the Talking Biotech Podcast which explores a variety of topics and promotes science communication.  In this episode we talk about Covid19, Viruses, Vaccines, and Public Health. We touch on topics like current case and death counts, the 6% myth, Comorbidities, dying 'with' and 'of' Covid19, PCR tests and thresholds, Dr. Kary Mullis, the origins of the Sars-Cov2 virus and why we know it was not made in a lab, the effectiveness and safety of Vaccines, vaccine distribution and logistics, MRNA, vaccine side-effects and their rarity, Vitamin D and why it probably doesn't prevent Covid19, misinfo and disinfo on Covid19, predictions for the end of Covid19, the concept of mandatory vaccinations, the efficacy and dangers of lockdowns, and why Bill Gates is the largest farm landowner in the USA, among other topics.   Yo