Choose Don't Excuse

Ep 3. What Is Your Focus Word for 2019? A motivational word that will help you succeed.



At the beginning of the year Judie suggested we each come up with a FOCUS word. A word that would serve as a personal theme, a motivational word for 2019. In this episode, we discuss how we came up with our words, why we chose them and the impact they have already had on our lives.1:15 - Honeymoon story 2:25 - Topic intro - What is your Theme Word for 2019 - a Word that will be your motivator, a word that will keep you on task, a word that will inspire you for 20194:00 - Shout Out to Eric Thomas Secret to Success podcast5:45 - Jody’s Word for 2019 - Greatness13:00 - Story of 50K Ultra Marathon - Build the capacity to stay true and committed even when it gets hard 21:00 - Judie’s Word - Discipline27:05 - The power of a Habit Tracker33:00 - Come up with you word, share it and be intentional in following it