Gv Chamber

Buzz On Business - Special Edition



Due to the high download demand for this presentation, we are broadcasting a special edition of Buzz On Business. You can download this mp3 right into your iPod or other mp3 device and listen at your leisure.This Podcast from our February 2009 Luncheon features Mark CrowleyCEO (Chief Encouragement Officer)This luncheon was held on 212-09 - not a coincidence.This presentation entitled - 212 The Extra Degree.Are you taking the extra steps - going the extra mile?This presentation will inspire you to ACTION!At 211 degrees, water is hotAt 212 degrees, it boilsWith boiling water comes steamand with steam, you can power a train!One extra degree (of effort) makes all the difference.Check out the site for more info: http://www.just212.com