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Special Show! Dr. Sally interviews Marjorie Janczak



Marjorie Janczak (pronounced - Yan-shak), also known as The Etiquette Diva, is a business etiquette strategist and expert.She is also the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of SankofaBest, a consultancy that has established both an on-line and off-line presence.Marjorie uses her expertise to help business owners and independent professionals leverage the power of business etiquette strategically to make a difference in their lives and for profitsMarjorie believes "The best wealth you can ever achieve in life is your ability to deal with people.” So the better you can master your manners as well as your business the better you will prosper.She has garnered over 10 years of Communications, Marketing and etiquette experience in such diverse industries as the Petroleum and Energy, Airline, Non-profits, Property and Publishing mainly in Africa and Europe.Prior to establishing SankofaBest Consultancy, Marjorie served as a communications executive in a total of eight companies specifically in Ghana, United Kingdom