Meal Mentor

S02 Episode 4 - Rachel explains controlling her type 1 diabetes and losing 20 pounds



On this episode of the Meal Mentor Podcast, member Rachel explains how a plant-based diet has helped her lose 20 pounds, eliminate migraines, and control her type 1 diabetes! Join Lindsay and Rachel to hear why low carb plant-based programs aren't effective, how a few small changes can make a big difference, and why the meal plans are key for keeping up with a busy lifestyle! More about this episode: Lindsay and Rachel discuss finding hidden oil in vegan ingredients. Rachel explains how batch cooking helps her manage her active schedule as a professional cellist. Rachel gives suggestions for vegan and cruelty-free cosmetics! A discussion on "greenwashing." What can you do with oil that you're not going to consume? Rachel shares how you can eat WFPBNO at Waffle House! Try our FREE 7-Day sample meal plan! Resources: The Happy Herbivore Cookbook The Engine 2 Diet by Rip Esselstyn The Starch Solution by Dr. John McDougall Shop Crystal deodorant Shop Tom's deodorant Shop Silk Naturals Shop 100 Percent