Meal Mentor

S02 Episode 2 - Member Leah discusses plant-based pregnancy and parenting



Lindsay is joined by Meal Mentor member Leah to discuss her experiences following the meal plans in Canada, as well as how she maintained a plant-based pregnancy. Leah shares how the meal plans make her life as a new mama so much more efficient, how she plans to raise a vegan child, and her realization about shifting her mindset surrounding dietary choices. More about this episode: Leah gives advice to new mamas looking to shed the baby weight. How can you make substitutions if you can't find ingredients in your area? Why do people think being vegan is expensive? Leah shares why the Meal Mentor forums are so valuable. A discussion on accepting others. Try our FREE 7-Day sample meal plan! Resources: Happy Herbivore Plant-Based Doctors List Join the Meal Mentor community Follow us on Twitter and Instagram!